Hats off to the ~300 women who took part in the
femme fondo ride, today. I was exhausted after I got home -- I can't imagine how these women who completed the 62-mile bicycle ride must have felt.
Lining up to start the 62-mile ride. |
A friend greets the scooter guy, bringing up the rear on the 12-mile ride. |
Beautiful scenery abounds in and near Leiper's Fork. We scooter guys got some awesome ideas for new rides, today. |
Big boid. |
One of the better-preserved barns on the route. |
The woods were lovely, dark and deep. |
The day was not without incident. As Steve and I had pulled off at the intersection of Hay Hollow Rd. and Highway 7 so that he could effect repairs to his helmet, a fellow on another support vehicle, a big Honda Gold Wing, hit a small patch of gravel, and the rider and bike went down. Maury County first responders were there within minutes, and the rider will be fine. We had hoped to spare him the expense of having his bike towed from the scene, but sadly, it was too massive for us to get off the road.
Very nice pics! Sounds like you've been having a good time.