
The adventures of Bad Penny, my Kymco People 250 (as well as other scooters I have known and loved).

A discussion forum for the Honda PCX.

The local organization with which I used to be proudly associated. Check out the Blue vs. Grey rally site, too!

Super Scoot 300
One of the scootnashville key players, Jason H., who takes some great photos and tells stories about scooting in middle Tennessee and beyond.

Co-authored by Eric Almendral, owner of the awesome Modern Buddy forum. Up-to-date scooter industry news and great photos.

Bikers Smart & Strong
Crazy Thai kids making bling for the PCX and other bikes.

Scooter Finds
Looking for a local  deal on a scooter?  You could do a lot worse than starting here, no matter where you are.


  1. HA! I forgot about this!

    Would you like me to send you my info via MB or MV? I could email it to you there. I'd like the Vespa model. Started with a model of a buddy and got a buddy, so maybe if I get a model of a vespa.....

    Thanks for running the contest. very fun.

    1. Skully! I'm a derp. I forgot to send you the Vespa model!

      Will remedy on Friday, 4/26.
